Activity 6: Non-standard Measurement

Let's Measure with our Foot!

With a masking tape and clear space on the floor, this fun and exciting activity can be conducted anywhere. Engaging children with such active and energizing activities would not only help to sustain their interest level during the sessions but also help with their mobility and physicality.


Students will demonstrate an understanding of measuring the length of objects using nonstandard units and ordering their data so that they can compare their results.


First demonstrate how to measure using their foot or foot prints. 
Paste masking tape on the floor in different sized straight lines and divide the students into groups and have each group measure a line using their footprints. 
Have some students walking the line, some students doing the counting and other students noting it down, so that all students will get to take part in the activity.

Detailed Lesson Plan can be viewed below.

1 comment:

  1. this must be fun! I can even try this at home! Thanx!
